Job Seekers Employers Transportaion Partners
Milwaukee Careers Cooperative News

Milwaukee Job Readiness Training



 Milwaukee Careers Cooperative is a non-profit employment agency that links individuals to jobs.

 The Cooperative works toward this goal by:

 Affirming positive employment behaviors and practices

  • Creating alliances with religious communities, business, governments, labor unions and community groups
  • Managing growth towards stable, self-sufficient operations that can achieve objectives
  • Leveraging public policy

Milwaukee Careers Cooperative is a non-profit Milwaukee employment service established in 1987 to provide employment connections between Southeastern Wisconsin businesses and work-ready employees. MCC’s mission is to link individuals to jobs by enhancing the employment readiness of job candidates through education/training, providing jobsite transportation, and performing pre-employment screening, easing the employment process for both job applicant and employer. MCC helps economically disadvantaged job seekers acquire the necessary job skills in order to connect them to new employment opportunities offering family supporting wages, benefits, and an opportunity for upward mobility. MCC creates great opportunities for Milwaukee job seekers AND employers.

Partners in Education and Training
Milwaukee Careers Cooperative (MCC) sees the value in each individual's potential and seeks to develop that potential through its education and training program. This is especially true when you consider one of the tenants of MCC's mission is that it "links individuals to jobs".

MCC, in partnership with Milwaukee Area Technical College , provides pre-college educational services utilizing an instructional team of educators from MATC focused on skills-growth of adult-learners, and further onward, toward employment opportunities.

MATC provides certificated, credentialed and experienced instructors that work as a team to assist jobseekers in education attainment through GED preparatory work that leads to mastery for taking the official GED tests in the five academic areas of Language Arts-Writing, Language Arts-Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. MCC provides a unique supplement to its educational delivery services by embedding computer -assisted instruction into its curriculum. This mode of instructional delivery also provides efficacy in lateral workforce training modules, which include: Office Skills Training, Customer Service, and Employment Resource & Job Search.

The computer-assisted instruction is housed in a dynamic learning environment referred to as the MATC Learning Lab at MCC. It is in the lab that students become engaged with a full-service offerings of Beginning and Intermediate training modules using a technology platform of Microsoft® Windows with Microsoft® Office software components that include: Word®, Power Point®, Excel®, and Access®. Additional educational software components are integrated to supplement the traditional instructional-delivery modes administered in the Learning Lab. The components include - two complementary technology-based skill development tools for GED preparation, both authored by leaders in GED preparation and effective learning solutions for adult-learners. Keyboarding, as a basic skill, acts as a fundamental readiness skill that drives proficiency in all other modules of instruction in the Learning Lab. The Learning Lab uses one of the leading technology-based programs, as the skill development aid for mastering keyboarding technique and accuracy.

MCC's partnership with MATC started in 1999 and is continuously being improved to provide a coordinated structure of supports that provide seamless avenues to meet the educational needs and interests of each MCC participant - all leading to employment.

Career Exploration & Self Assessment
Career Lockers 
is a web-based career information system designed to help individuals:

  • become aware of themselves and explore how their unique patterns of interests, skills and values can be applied in their career
  • become aware of the relevance of how their current educational experiences serve as the foundation for future career aspirations and life path
  • develop the job-seeking skills needed to acquire meaningful employment and make successful transitions into and throughout the world of work

Individuals engaged in MCC's Employment Program have access to Career Lockers as an additional tool to move from unemployment to employment with off site access capability.

Wisconsin's National Career Readiness Certificate
...a transferable credential that proves an individual is work ready. ACT, an internationally recognized assessment and research company, has profiled thousands of jobs and determined that Math, Reading and Locating Information skills are universally essential to workplace success and are required by more than 85% of the jobs in the country.

MCC offers access to key train, a skills self assessment tool allowing individuals to build their skills to prepare for the proctored test: Work Keys offered by the Job Center of Wisconsin .

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